Shane Flanagan
Shane has worked in the property business for almost 3 decades. Having completed a degree in Economics and Maths in UCG in 1991 (now NUIG) he then joined the firm GHQ Estate Agents here in Sligo. While working he also studied through the IAVI (now SCSI) to become a fully qualified Agent in 1997. Shane acquired the firm with Tom Ford in 1998 and soon thereafter they re branded the business as DNG Flanagan Ford.
“This was one of our best decisions as it has positioned our firm to the forefront of property services in Sligo.”
Shane specialises in the area of Property Sales and Valuations. He also provides professional advisory services to our developer and institutional clients.
“From about 16 years of age I knew I wanted to be an Auctioneer, it just jumped out at me as something I would really enjoy. There has never been one moment since I came into this industry that I regretted my career choice. Luckily I love what I do. This industry is constantly evolving and we always embrace these technology changes and improvements to help us provide the best service to our valued clients. Things such as Online Auctions, 3D virtual viewings etc would have been the stuff of science fiction when I joined this industry. They are now the norm. I really look forward to embracing the next wave of enhancements within our industry so that we can continue to provide the professional service our valued clients deserve.”
As a Property Services Provider, Shane is fully licensed by the PSRA.